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Primoco UAV Announced the Largest Order in its History. The order for 24 UAVs will deliver EUR 18 million (CZK 450 million) of revenue in 2024.

Prague, June 10, 2024 - Primoco UAV SE, Czech UAV manufacturer, has signed its largest ever order. The company will deliver 24 One 150 UAVs to a European customer, with a total value of EUR 18 million (equivalent to CZK 450 million). 

According to the company's CEO Ladislav Semetkovský, a dozen aircraft are ready for delivery this month, while Primoco will complete and deliver the remaining 12 UAVs during the second half of this year. 

According to Semetkovský, the record order is a significant step towards meeting the company's financial outlook for this year. In 2024, the company expects to conclude new contracts for a total of 50 to 60 UAVs and report full year revenues of CZK 0.9 - 1.1 billion.

 “In parallel, we are in a number of negotiations with customers from both the public and private sectors on orders for dozens of new UAVs, some of which are already close to contract signing,” 

Semetkovský said, adding that demand for unmanned aerial vehicles remains high and the unmanned aviation segment is set to continue to grow globally in the future.

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